Empowering Women: Making Difference

Uncategorized Mar 10, 2022
women Empowerment

There is nothing more powerful and stronger than women empowering women, why? ‘Cause they are the ones who make history. Don’t forget, no one can ever make you feel inferior without your consent.

Hey! It’s the second week of March already. Time really does fast by if you’re doing what you love and are passionate about right? You still remember that I’ve decided to change up our Thursday email format to break the ice between us. Just for you to get to know me more and for me to know you on a more personal level. 

That’s why I always encourage you to message me, especially if you have Qs that you want to be answered! 

BUT before anything else, I’m wishing you a very Happy International Women’s Month! It’s the month where we celebrate, and appreciate the achievements of the epitome of courage and strength. So keep slaying and keep doing what you love, don’t ever stop!

Here we go!

empowering women


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Financial Independence: Get Your Goals!

financial independence Mar 02, 2022
goal getter


When it comes to pursuing your goal, that financial independence that you want; there’s no excuse that will be acceptable! Yes, you’re right; it is that time of the year again to plan and set personal goals in your life.

Remember, your only limit is your mind. What more if your goals are to achieve financial independence, be debt-free, and be secure with your finances!

But I also know that there are times when you feel too scared to take the leap. You miss the chance for you to grow and finally establish control within you and the stability of your future.

That’s why I always emphasize the importance of planning and setting your GOALS the right way. So if you always feel lost when it comes to setting goals, you are in the right place. Trust me, this is the sign for you to start using a Goal Setting Planner.

Goal planning, especially when it involves your finances can really be...

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Building Business Credit: Start Out Right!

business credit Feb 23, 2022

Success? It’s neither magical nor mysterious. Success is a natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals and tirelessly making an effort to learn. That’s why I want you to know the power of building business credit and the leverage it’ll provide.

Buying, investing, and selling real estate is really an expensive endeavor. Many typically use their own funds or personal credit to cover the cost. 

This strategy? It works well for those who have a large pool of money but it won’t last long. It can really be a real roadblock for you.

That’s what we don’t want to happen! So if you want to push through but don’t have enough cash flow. Building business credit can be your solution! 

Do you want to be successful? Then start building business credit now!

Why? Because it can provide and open many opportunities for you and your business in the future, trust me.

Here’s what you need to know about Business Credit.


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Credit Repair Plan: 9 Strategies To Improve Your Credit

Uncategorized Jan 19, 2022

There are lots of ways to start a credit repair plan, however, some can be quite confusing. Credit scores are a financial tool and, in some cases, the most crucial measure of your financial picture. If you have a higher score, it is easier for you to get approved for the new loans or the lines of credit. It is imperative to get your score as high as it can be when you’re planning to buy a new home. Your credit score will be the way to acquire the lowest available rate when you borrow, and determine your capability to manage debt. 

The credit repair industry has gotten mixed reviews over the years, so we try to take the time to explain the process. Each client undergoing the process must understand how it works. Also, empowering clients to take their finances into their own hands has proved beneficial to help them fix their credit on their own.

Establishing a credit score will help you save money to make your financial life easier. That’s why it is essential to...

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The Highlighter Exercise: A Powerful Way To Improve Financial Planning

financial planning Jan 03, 2022

Financial planning plays a huge part in our daily life. The average woman thinks about their finances 5-10 times a day. Not planning will sometimes lead to tons of stress, so I have developed a simple system that helps me get organized. As Emily Stroud said, “If you take control of your finances today, then you won’t be a victim of them tomorrow.” Let's introduce you to a simple exercise that will improve your financial planning.

We know that the general prices for goods and services are rising. It is imperative to determine the status of your current finances that will help you think about how you will improve your financial planning. One of the easiest ways to track your expenses effectively is the “Highlighter Exercise Method,” which will show how you have already spent your money. When I have the women in my community do this, their reactions are mixed; some cry, others are surprised. After the initial shock, it’s time to take...

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The Best Proven Strategy for Financial Planning (The Money Plan)

financial planning Nov 29, 2021

The Best Proven Strategy for Financial Planning (The Money Plan)

Building your successful financial plan needs an understanding of your current financial situation and looking at the different investment options. Also, monitor your financial plan regularly.

I remember those years when I experienced being broke and living paycheck to paycheck. It was really hard for me having two kids and not being able to easily provide for their needs that’s why financial planning is important in our daily life regardless of what age, income, or marital status, we need to have a financial plan that will help us to be in control of our investments, income, and expenses to achieve our life goals.

You must give yourself some quiet time to think if your goals are for the long-term or short-term. Either way, you need to consider these possibilities:

  • Short-term goals

Short-term goals can be reached in a year or so. You must create an emergency fund that can cover three months of your living...

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The Debt Snowball Effect And How It Can Change Your Life

debt financial planning Nov 24, 2021

Snowball Method Can Change Your Life: The Debt Snowball Effect

A Debt Snowball Effect is a repayment strategy that is focused on paying off your smallest balance first. This strategy has a big impact on your finances and is useful to get debt out of your life.

Debt can cause you a lot of damage that can lead to stress and serious health problems. Believe me, I’ve been there. It affected me so much and it drives me crazy and it hindered me from achieving my goals.

I spent so many years living my life paycheck to paycheck until I decided to move forward.

In order to be debt-free, you need the best, powerful method strategy, to use and to do on a daily basis and I recommend the Debt Snowball Method that will help you to achieve financial freedom!


Do you know that there is a relationship between your credit reports and debts?

There are some debts that you must not include on credit reports. For example, you just borrowed money from a friend or family...

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How to Build Emergency Fund

funds investing Nov 24, 2021

Powerful Ways to Build an Emergency Fund to Improve Finances

How to Build Emergency Fund Let’s face it; life is going to hit you with some unexpected challenges. We all have had times when life happens, and it is surprising that not being prepared has sent our finances in a downward spiral for months.

An emergency fund is crucial in our lives and even more now that we are still facing COVID 19. Take a look back when the whole world suddenly experienced lockdown due to the virus’s continuous increase of affected people.

Millions of people lost their jobs and income when the pandemic started. I started feeling the effects because our entire industry shut down. We couldn’t show homes to our clients, and it became apparent that we would be in lockdown for longer than a few days. 

That experience made me grateful to have an emergency fund; however, it made me think of the people who don’t have one. Ask yourself, if a true emergency arises, are you...

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The Highlighter Exercise: The First Step in Financial Planning You Need To Do Today

The Highlighter Exercise: A Powerful Way to improve Financial Planning 

Financial planning plays a huge part in our daily life. The average woman is thinking about their finances 5-10 times a day. Not planning will sometimes lead to tons of stress, so I have developed a simple system that helps me get organized.  As Emily Stroud said, “If you take control of your finances today, then you won’t be a victim of them tomorrow”. 

We know that the general prices for goods and services are rising. It is imperative to determine the status of your current finances that will help you think about how you will improve them. One of the easiest ways to track your expenses effectively is the “Highlighter Excercise Method,” which will show how you have already spent your money. When I have the women in my community do this, their reactions are mixed; some cry, others are surprised. After the initial shock, it’s time to take action. 


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9 Ways to Improve your Credit

planner Nov 24, 2021

How to start credit repair to buy a home: 9 Strategies to Improve your Credit 

Credit scores are a financial tool and, in some cases, the most crucial measure of your financial picture. If you have a higher score, it is easier for you to get approved for the new loans or the lines of credit. When purchasing a home, it is imperative to get your score as high as it can be. It will be the way to acquire the lowest available rate when you borrow, and it can determine your capability to manage debt. At the bottom, you'll see the 9 Ways to Improve your Credit.

The credit repair industry has gotten mixed reviews over the years, so we try to take the time to explain the process so that each client undergoing the process understands how it works. Also, empowering clients to take their finances into their own hands has proved beneficial to help them fix their credit on their own.

Establishing a credit score will help you save money to make your financial life easier that’s why it...

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Join the waitlist to 90 Day Rental Property Course Waitlist!

Be the first to know when the course drops on November 28th