Empowering Women: Making Difference

Uncategorized Mar 10, 2022
women Empowerment

There is nothing more powerful and stronger than women empowering women, why? ‘Cause they are the ones who make history. Don’t forget, no one can ever make you feel inferior without your consent.

Hey! It’s the second week of March already. Time really does fast by if you’re doing what you love and are passionate about right? You still remember that I’ve decided to change up our Thursday email format to break the ice between us. Just for you to get to know me more and for me to know you on a more personal level. 

That’s why I always encourage you to message me, especially if you have Qs that you want to be answered! 

BUT before anything else, I’m wishing you a very Happy International Women’s Month! It’s the month where we celebrate, and appreciate the achievements of the epitome of courage and strength. So keep slaying and keep doing what you love, don’t ever stop!

Here we go!

empowering women


I want to introduce you to this amazing book I am reading, “How to WIn Friends & Influence People”. The book was written by Dale Carnegie. It’s about that rock-solid, time-tested advice that has been able to carry countless people up the ladder of success. Not just in their businesses but also in their personal lives. This book? It will totally inspire you to:

  • Go after the job you want and get it.
  • Take the job you have and improve it.
  • And take any kind of situation and make it work for you!

How amazing is that, right? This groundbreaking and timeless masterpiece will teach you:

  • 6 ways to make people like you
  • 12 ways to win people to your way of thinking
  • 9 ways to change people without arousing resentment and more!

So if you want to start achieving the maximum potential you could get, grab this book! It will be worth it!

empowerrd women


If you still don’t know me or you know me but are not quite sure of what I do: 

It’s my ultimate goal to make a difference in the world. While at the same time empowering women who are willing to get out of their way to be successful. With me, you will get a proven framework for breaking into Real Estate investing, proper tools, network, strategy. 

You will know how to make an effective plan that will jumpstart your real estate investing journey. And learn how to take action towards your financial goals and actually achieve them. I have declared that I am the BEST!

That’s why if you:

  • Want to buy an ugly house and make money with it, 
  • Don’t have the actual strategy to buy, renovate, and sell the ugly house
  • No clue at all how it works
  • Learn how I teach women how to save $10,000 in 3 months to invest 

I got you! Remember knowledge is power. You need to do your homework first before actually diving in headfirst to minimize the risk involved. Come on, join me and let us start empowering women while achieving your financial goals!

Don’t forget that if you’ve been wanting to enter the world of real estate investing. But just don’t have any idea how to do it. I decided to put together an in-person mastermind this coming April 2nd, 2022, at 10 AM. 

It is my way of empowering women, my sisters who are all thriving to get what they want in life!

In this Women’s Real Estate Mastermind, I will talk about the 3 different ways to build a foundation. You will be learning the secret to being successful in all of your real estate investing journey. Trust me, you need these lessons!



Here it is! Sharing with you the photo of one of my investors’ projects in Wynfield… the kitchen is coming together nicely.

My advice? Follow the things that you always wanted to do when you were younger. It is also my way of showing my sincerity in supporting and empowering women, the epitome of courage and strength. Do you also agree?



This one is something I’m really so thrilled about that I can no longer wait to finally share with you. It’s getting our April Mastermind happening on the 2nd of April half the capacity! That’s right, I am so happy to know that so many women are deciding to finally take initiative to take the step. Take the action towards that financial stability that they want. 

It fills me with nothing but joy and excitement that you all are trusting me. Thank you for appreciating my efforts and purpose to help and make a difference in your lives. Haven’t joined my Mastermind yet? This is the sign to get the solution and actually show up now! Not just for yourself, but also for your loved ones and kids, especially if you’re a mom like me!

real estate


Each week, I’ll be answering one question from someone on one of my Social Media Channels. Want your question answered? Don’t hesitate to ask away! Submit it by simply hitting reply to this email!

Here Goes The Question: 

How do I get started in investing in real estate?

You got the perfect question because I totally have the answer to what you have been looking for. The answer?

  • Start with mindset
  • Form an LLC with the intention of investing and developing business credit
  • Choose a method of learning the fundamentals (coaching, Youtube, etc) ever
  • Learn how to analyze the property and do it every day 

It will all be discussed on my upcoming Women’s Real Estate Investing Mastermind. Yes, that is right! Another class that makes empowering women on a personal level will be happening on April 02, 2022, at 10 AM! We will go through the process! I will show you 3 of the many ways you can invest and how to make and save. 

What’s more, is that I will show you how to be ready to invest $10,000 in 3 months. It’s all about accountability you just have to tell yourself you can do it. What’s even better is that it’s an in-person Mastermind! Where you will learn the greatest advantage of the people you look up to!



Learn the knowledge and take that life-changing step that will propel you towards abundance! Don’t forget, you need to start to be great.

Go get that financial stability you always long for with me! Join my community, my Wealth Woman Club, and know that you’re not alone!

And if you’re looking for some cool and amazing financial templates to properly manage your finances. Don’t hesitate to visit my Wealthy Woman Workshop!

This is the time to crush your financial goals! Make your life happier and smooth sailing ‘cause I know you deserve it! 

Believe in yourself; YOU CAN DO IT! Remember you’re one incredible woman, and nobody can ever make you feel inferior and hopeless without your permission!

It’s my ultimate goal to make an impact and help those who are willing to go out of their way. So take the initiative just to take the first step and achieve your financial goals by joining my Mastermind now!

Ready to stop your struggles with your finances, and dive into the world of financial freedom together with me?

Join me, and my community, and together let us start our journey towards empowering women and making a difference. I’ll show you the path that connects and opens a lot of opportunities you can grab!

Qs? Shoot me a reply here. I got you!

The question here is, are you up for the challenge? 

Don’t forget to slide me a DM on my Instagram account too: @greenrealestatemom

Once again, Happy International Women’s Day! Let us all continue empowering women ‘cause there will always be power within you!


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Be the first to know when the course drops on November 28th